Nicole Scott


Move Them to Action by Asking Two Questions

Move Them to Action by Asking Two Questions When you assign or delegate a task, it’s crucial to ensure the recipient intends to act on it. Headshakes and nods often mask true intentions. To truly gauge readiness, you need to ask effective questions. Typical Questions Fall Short Questions like “Does everyone know what is expected?” often yield superficial nods without

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Are You Growing Your Leaders?

Are You Growing Your Leaders? Passionately advocating for leadership development comes from personal experiences and observations. Many leaders struggle to transition from individual contributor to leader, often because they lack proper preparation, knowledge, skills, tools, coaching, and support. Deloitte’s 2015 Human Capital Trends Report surveyed 3,300 business and HR leaders from 106 countries, revealing that building leadership capabilities was the

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Leading Change Effectively: Focus on the Bright Spots

Leading Change Effectively: Focus on the Bright Spots Change often feels necessary when things (people, processes, tools) aren’t working as envisioned. After consulting stakeholders, we declare, “It’s time for a change.” But people often react with fear and resistance. Why? Change is scary and exhausting because it disrupts predictability and requires mental energy. In “Switch: How to Change Things When

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Finding the Perfect System Operator is Challenging – PSP Metrics Can Help!

Finding the Perfect System Operator is Challenging – PSP Metrics Can Help! Achieving operational excellence starts with the right talent. PSP Metrics is your go-to partner, offering pre-employment assessments specifically designed to identify the System Operators who will drive your success. Here’s what sets us apart: Problem-Solving Insights: We measure critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities, essential for System

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Know Who You Are Hiring with PSP Metrics Pre-Employment Assessments! 

Know Who You Are Hiring with PSP Metrics Pre-Employment Assessments! Are you tired of hiring people who don’t work out? Join the ranks of successful companies that have enhanced their talent acquisition and retention with PSP Metrics. Our scientifically backed assessments provide deep insights to help you make informed hiring decisions. Here’s why top companies choose us: Comprehensive Evaluation: Our

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10 Lessons from Herzberg’s Research on Motivating Employees

10 Lessons from Herzberg’s Research on Motivating Employees “If you want someone to do a good job, give them a good job to do.” (Dr. Frederick Herzberg) Having a workforce that is motivated, not just satisfied, remains one of the most elusive challenges in business. According to Dr. Herzberg, what motivates people is the work itself.  If the work is
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Hire People Who Can Learn

Hire People Who Can Learn According to the NY Times, when Siemens Energy opened a gas turbine production plant in North Carolina, some 10,000 people showed up. But fewer than 15 percent of the applicants were able to pass a reading, writing and math screening test geared toward a ninth-grade education.  At John Deere dealerships, fixing tractors and grain harvesters

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